
typography blog: two

in regards to alphabet variation...
  • weight: Most typefaces contain bold and bold italic typestyles which are much heavier in stroke weight than the Roman. Many typefaces offer a broader range of weights in addition to Roman, including light and medium (or book) and in addition to bold, including semibold (or demibold), extrabold (or heavy), and black.
  • width: Some typefaces include typestyles with character widths which are narrower than roman, called condensed, and wider, called extended. These typestyles generally include accompanying weight variations.
  • style: A typeface usually includes several design variations called styles. The available number of typestyles, which varies among typefaces, is based on the following visual characteristics: character angle, character weight, and character width.

in regards to measuring type...
  • point: Measurement used to measure height, such as the type size (height of the character) and the space between lines and paragraphs.
  • pica: measure width, such as the width of a typeset column (length of line) or the space between columns. Picas are more convenient than inches because smaller spaces can be measured in whole units instead of fractions.
  • x-height: the height of the main body of the lowercase letter (or the height of a lowercase ), excluding its ascenders and descenders. The bigger the x-height is in relation to the cap height, the bigger the letters will look.
  • cap height: The distance from the top of the capital letter to its bottom.
  • leading: the amount of added vertical spacing between each line of type.

Points and picas are used to measure type, rather than inches and mm, because they are smaller increments so they can be more accurate.
There are 72 points in an inch.
There are 6 picas in an inch.
There are 12 points in a pica.
If a letter is set in 36 pts, it is about a half inch tall.

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